20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Archives - Animation Art Masters

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Category: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
In 1868, an armed frigate sent to seek out a fabled destroyer of ships was itself sunk, and three passengers from the frigate—a harpooner, Ned Land, along with a professor who is an expert on the creatures of the sea and his assistant—are rescued. They discover that the “monster” which they searched for is, in reality, the first human-made submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by Captain Nemo, a madman who is willing to share his secrets of nuclear energy with the world only on his own terms. Land rescues Nemo from the clutches of a giant squid and eventually manages to alert the outside world to the location of Nemo’s secret island base. Nemo and his creations are destroyed. Released on December 23, 1954. Based on the classic story by Jules Verne.

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